Thursday, September 9, 2010

~Lest We Forget~

The ninth month brought the end to many,
The eleventh was a day of testing
Nine one one a call for help from any
It left no time of resting.

True warriors dressed in red suits
Navy blue or yellow
They called in all the recruits
to rescue ailing fellow.

What senselss acts of violence
Rain down on us today
what path will cross with terror
and cause us great dismay?

This is the world our children face.
Their lives are being molded.
The acts of hate, time won't erase,
Like a shroud it has enfolded.

What can we say? What can we do?
As time whirls swiftly by
Let love be instilled with a family view
So our values never die.


Jaime Haney said...

it's still so moving to think about that fateful day. I hope we never forget... we better not forget.

Almost Precious said...

A beautiful tribute to a day that has become a part of history, like Pearl Harbor. Too much hate and ignorance in this world today, trying to stop it is like trying to stop a run away train with one's bare hands. Reminds me of that old folk song; "Where have all the flowers gone, long time passing ... When will we ever learn, when will we ever learn ?"

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